Friday, April 25, 2014

Review & Giveaway: Liberty Bound (Prophecy Girl #2) by Faith McKay @faithmckay

Liberty Bound Blog Tour
Liberty Bound by Faith McKay

 Liberty Bound
Lacuna Valley #2
by Faith McKay
YA Urban Fantasy
Published March 2014

*Ebook obtained directly from the author in exchange for an honest review*

Synopsis via Goodreads:
     All Sam ever wanted was to be free of her mother. With a happy home and Nick at her side, life should be great. But life has never been that simple. With the werewolves angry, the deal with the seasonals broken, and her mother on the run with the orb, Sam is more lost than ever. This would be a great time to make use of her prophetic dreams, if she could only figure out how to navigate them.     While Sam seems powerless, her little sister is not, and everyone wants to take advantage of her wish-granting abilities. It's all Sam can do to keep them at bay. At nine years old with powers that could save—or end—the world and a mother who left her for dead, Violet's had more than her share of awful. Sam's not about to let anything else happen to her sister. But Violet is starting to realize that with all her power, maybe she doesn't need Sam's help at all.

Grab Your Copy:
Also check out Prophecy Girl, Lacuna Valley #1 and add it on Goodreads!

Faith McKayFaith McKay writes quirky paranormal stories with guts. She is the author of PROPHECY GIRL and its new sequel, LIBERTY BOUND, a story where characters struggle with the idea of having a destiny. In comparison, she feels really lucky that her destiny was to struggle with comma placement and be that awkward lady who points out puns at parties. Other things to know about Faith… She wears two different colored shoes. She is a survivor of child abuse. She has lived with chronic illness for over a decade. A lot of people don't like her because she laughs too much. It's also the reason a lot of other people do like her, so go figure. She listens to more music than people are probably supposed to. She's a nomad. The word sounds really cool, so a lot of people say it, but she actually lives in an RV with her husband, Robert. If you'd like to know more about the Lacuna Valley series or Faith McKay, visit her website at

You can also follow her on facebook and twitter.

 Yay for fabulous sequels! I really, really enjoy this series. It has really fabulous characters. Faith McKay created a really fun but nail biting world. You can go back and read my review of book 1, Prophecy Girl, here

This novel picks up right after the the last one ends. Poor Sam is still feeling like she's holding the entire world on her shoulders. She's trying her best to save everyone including her sister without having to actually use her little sister to do so. She's trying to spare her little sister from having to bare such a burden and also risk her safety because she can't quite control her powers. I love Nick and his little brother Zach. They melt my heart. Poor Nick is stuck basically being non-existent now that he's lost the orb to Sam's crazy mom. There's quite a bit of turmoil within his family because of it. They're all trying to find the orb and get it back to their town. A caution light causes quite a bit of uproar in the town of peacefulness. Everyone is fighting with everyone else. No one is happy in the quiet little town now. 

Great plot sequence in this novel! I was never bored. I did become a tad exhausted because of Sam's burden. Not exhausted in the sense that I wanted to put it down. Exhausted in the sense that I felt Sam's burden like it was on my own shoulders. She was basically losing everyone. I will tell you that Sam does quite of bit of whining and wallowing. I can't really blame her but it is a tad annoying here and there. 

I love that we continue to see the Seasonals! They're still one of my most fave fantasy characters! They're just wonderfully magical characters! Well, in this novel, they aren't exactly on such good terms with Nick & Sam. Quite a bit of hostility here and there. Love them though!

Overall, I'm so glad that I was able to continue reading Sam's story! I can't wait for more!!!! Yikes! What a cliffhanger! It left me wanting more and wishing the novel continued so I could find out what was about to happen. 

So overall rating: 4.5 Stars
Cover Rating: 3.5 Stars
Characters: 5 Stars
Plot: 4.5 Stars
Climax: 4 Stars
Ending: 4 Stars

Can't wait for more!

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