Tickle Me
by Monica Bouvier
Adult Romance
Published October 22, 2012 by Outskirts Press, Inc.
Print Version: 492 Pages
*Print copy obtained from author in exchange for an honest review*
Synopsis from Goodreads:
Aphrodite Be Damned!
In this tale of wanton love, decadent seduction, and dangerous liaisons, we meet Alice—a quiet, meek woman who, at 29, has never been touched by a man, let alone experienced the piercing pangs of love’s bittersweet kiss upon the heart. Alice is obsessed with Greek Mythology, and early on, she resigned herself to the fact that Lachesis, the Fate who chooses our lot in life, destined her life to be one without love—that is until Erik, a mysterious admirer, surfaces.
Communicating at first solely online, Erik’s passionate poems and erotic love stories slowly break down Alice’s self-imposed wall of isolation. Throwing caution to the wind, they begin to share the most intimate of emails, awakening Alice’s innermost desires. She finds herself falling in love with Erik and in the possibility that he could be her one true love—her soul mate—despite the fact that they have never met in person.
Has Zeus finally heard her cries and granted Cupid, the offspring of Aphrodite, permission to hurl his arrow of love in Alice’s direction? Or, will she get caught up in love’s unscrupulous web of deception and deceit after the identity of her mysterious lover is revealed? How far will Alice venture to recapture love lost—real or imaginary? How far would you go?
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About the Author:
Monica Bouvier is married and has one son. Born in Spokane, Washington, Monica moved with her family to Anchorage, Alaska at the tender age of six. Her grandfather was one of the first African-American homesteaders in Anchorage, as well as, owned and operated the city’s first minority-owned construction company, of which, helped in rebuilding Anchorage after the 1969 earthquake. Her grandfathers influence and love of Alaska filtered throughout Monica’s whole family, the majority of who still make this great state their permanent residence today.
Monica, a former model, has worked in television/media industry for over two decades. She is recognized as the first African-American Public Service Announcer director in Alaskan television.
Monica’s hobbies include spending time with her family and friends, traveling, hiking, sewing, tennis, reading, and writing.
Monica, an avid self-help enthusiast, is a student of the human condition. It wasn’t until after successfully maneuvering through her own relationship obstacles that she felt qualified to add her own personal spin to the complexities of the male/female relationship in the form of writing novels. Her first novel, In Search of Mr Wonderful, The Journey From Myth To Madness, is a loosely based adaptation of this journey. Monica is currently working on her next set of novels, The Ten Commandments of Dating, Poisoned Pen, Mermaidland and The Margarita Social Club, which constitute a long secession of romantically charged tales of love, lust and unbridled imagination still to come from this author.
Connect with Monica:
My Review:
I'm a little torn on this novel. I really enjoyed the first
3/5 of the book... then I ended up bored because it just kept going and I felt
like I was going nowhere. I ended up skipping probably 1/5 of the book and
jumping right to the part where Erik & Alice meet in person. The mental
journey that you take with the main character - transitioning from thinking of
herself as a no one to someone who is desirable to at least one person - is
interesting. It was a perspective on life that I don't read about often. Then
you end up with the online relationship with Erik and it seems too good to be
true. I never really found anything Erik was saying during the actual
"conversations" attractive - I mean, a guy who says "hehe"
and "ticklezzzz" just isn't attractive. Plus the crazy amount of
smiley faces and such he uses in his emails is a little non-attractive to me.
But his stories - oh man - they're intriguing. It's almost like you're about to
enter a BDSM scene - spanking or one of the lighter bondage scenes - but then...
it turns out to be tickling... It's a little... odd I guess I could say - but
fun to read. I'm an insanely ticklish person so someone handcuffing me to the
bed and having their "tickling" way with me is NOT something I'd look
forward to & definitely NOT something that would get me all hot and
bothered. Even though some of that sounds negative, it's just personal
thoughts. The end... well... the end takes you completely off guard. Looking
back, it made it quite interesting to re-read some of the conversations. It
shed an entirely new light on the entire novel. Loved that spin on things.
Overall Rating: 3 Stars - It was okay but I really had to push through to the end after a certain point
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